Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i'm sort of hyper right now.
it's only like 2:21 in the morning.

the buffalo man is so intense. way more intense than a unibrow at walmart, but he will NEVER be more intense than google :)

i'm so glad we had that conversation. now i understand life. it all makes sense now, thanks mysterious friend.



Leah Bergen said...

WTF??!! Wow haley, that couldn't be any more random!! What the heck is the buffalo man?? And a unibrow at walmart? You need more sleep... :P

HALEEEY. said...

okay, no.
it makes total sense.
i didn't know until last night.
now i do.
long story.

beverley said...

of course you do, the Buffalo man walks alone.

HALEEEY. said...

except when we walk to school together!