Saturday, November 8, 2008


yay, i was tagged :)
Here's the rules:

Mention the person who nominated you. List 6 unimportant things that make you happy. Tag 5 blogs and state the rules on your blog. Notify them with a comment on their blog that they have been tagged!

1) life saver mints.
2) nail polish.
3) good books.
4) hot chocolate.
5) snowball fights.
6) my phone.
now i will tag 5 people.
okay, i can't think of a fifth person who hasn't already done this. so instead, i'll tag four.
yay, thanks erin. you tagged me :)
the end. :)


beverley said...

awesome! I love most of those things! :)

Leah Mell said...

i cant say i understand.. =S