Monday, November 24, 2008

heey jaymee :)

you said nobody ever writes blogs. but i do.
here you areee.
i'll give you a poem to read. hahaha,
i DID NOT WRITE THIS by the way :)
here we go:

there my more thy cotton sheep
thy cotton sheep ruffle thy wind of the sunrise
cotton sheep thy lovely biscuit
sheep sheep thy cotton sheep where for art thou
cotton sheep thy cotton sheep i miss the sooo
cotton sheep thy wool is itchy, but thy baa make me swoon
thy wool is sold to market men, thy now is naked
cotton sheep oh cotton sheep, you look UGLY!
cotton sheep thou could not be more majestic,
you prance by thy farm
thy sun is rising
thy dont see it coming
the greedily wolf
searching for a tasty morcile
he sneaks up behinde thy cotton sheep
And POW! thy cotton sheep wackiths thy wolf with thy purse.
Thy cotton sheep takiths out thy pepper spray
thy wolf dies
the end


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