Sunday, December 7, 2008

i'm unphotogenic.

i'm pretty jealous of the people who naturally are.
because i'm not.
at all.

i'm so tired.
i'm going to fall asleep soon.

christmas is coming soon, and my parents wrapped all my presents. so now, i'm having fun trying to guess what they are. but they're smart now, because they put all the presents in bix boxes and then wrapped them, so they're almost impossible to guess.
but it's still fun. :)

i have a random craving for mcdonalds french fries. they're really good.
if i ever worked at mcdonalds, i would never be able to eat there again. i'm assuming that seeing first-hand what this food is actually made of, it would be pretty nasty. so, i'm not planning on working there, because i'm fine not knowing if it's actually meat in the burgers.

the randomest things ever make me mad. like now, when people's msn is screwed up, and it keeps saying ____ signed in. ____ signed out. over, and over, and over.

apparently, i'm a total freak that needs help. well, that's what the quiz that i took said, at least. and SOME PEOPLE are 100% normal.
bahah. you know who you are :)
but then again, i didn't take it seriously at all. for the "do you have friends?" question, i picked "who needs friends when you can have finger puppets?!?"
hahah. yeah, i'm guessing that's why it said i wasn't normal.
bahah, i love those random quizzes.

i'm blogging about nothing really, which is what i do when i'm bored.

and yeah, i'm bored right now. almost nobody is on msn. and it's 8:29. and.... umm... yeah.

the end :)


erin meagan said...

I wish I were photogenic. I am DEFINETELY not.

Yellow Cat. said...

you are somewhat photogenic haley!
and i thought i'd add that working at mcdonalds would be too much for me. i mean, seeing all that food i like. i want my first job to be slack for minimum wage. i can see myself getting fired lots though.

Yellow Cat. said...
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beverley said...

awww! it's okay! you have claudio reda!

HALEEEY. said...

claaudio redaaaa.