Tuesday, October 14, 2008

so, i'm tired..

haha, it took me about half an hour to actually get up this morning. i wish school started at noon. then i could sleep :)
i like to sleep, i sleep till noon on weekends.

i had some amazing candies today. they actually taste like cinnamon buns and apple pie. it's insane. AHAHA

we had rehersal again today, then a parent meeting.

im really boored, nobody is on msn. i'm about to fall asleep. actually i have family studies TOMORROW, i didnt have it today. yay, it's so slack. both of my last period classes are slack haha. i enjoy slack classes. barb's is the best ahaha. :D

katie wants me to mention her in my blog, so here it is :)

okaaaay, im going to go watch tv or something, and probably eat, because im a fatty :)

bye <3

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