Friday, October 17, 2008

i'm about to fall asleep...

we had a stupid french test today. i better not have failed, because i think i'm averaging around a 50 right now.

it makes me mad when people say "how can you be failing french, aren't you in french immersion?"

what they don't realize is that our french is about a million times harder than thier basic french. grrr.

my dad came back from the pas today. he was there for work, for a week i think. haha, he brought me back a stuffed penguin. he's pretty cool, and his name is ollie :)

i went out for chinese food tonight. it was tasty :)
but the resteraunt was so quiet that i felt i had to turn my phone on vibrate, because if it went off, it would be weird.

i'm reeeeally tired. let's see. what did i do today...?

- i had that stupid french test. grr.
- i had math, which was equally stupid.
- i had gym, which wasn't too bad, except for the fact that i sucked at volleyball. but i can proudly say that i wasn't the worst on my team. :)
- and family studies. oh, family studies..

in family studies, today we talked about how if you're not careful, an 80 year old rapist can come get you if you talk to them online, and how this 15 year old girl's best friend was 40. except that we didn't actually do much. we just sort of talked the entire class, like usual. hehe. believe me, family studies was NOT my first choice. more like my last choice. well, if i wanted to switch out of band it was. but oh well, it's super slack anyway. it's pretty amazing how the haley/haileys sit together, and the karlis sit together. hahaha.

i'm actually really tired. and this is the longest one i've done so far. but then again, it's also the third. hehe.

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