Saturday, October 18, 2008

there's a scary man at the forks.

so today,
i got up at like 10:40, which is actually sorta early for me. then, i went to the forks, and there was a scary guy. he was like eighty, and wearing jean short shorts.

first of all, it was cold out. and that coming from me is weird. i barely ever get cold. well, it wasn't COLD, but it would have been if you were wearing short shorts. i've never actually seen a guy wearing short shorts, let alone an eighty year old guy. hmm...

i babysat tonight, which was like the easiest 25$ i've ever made. well, it always is. all we did tonight was play xbox for about 20 minutes, and colour. i was only there for about an hour before she went to bed. then i just went downstairs, watched tv, and texted people. babysitting is easy :)
it's 11:49 :)
my neclace is rusting. :(
or turning brownish for some odd reason.
now it's 11:50 :)
i'm really tired for some reason. i'm always tired. it's stupid. no matter how early i go to bed, i'm still tired. in which case, i'm going to bed now.

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