Sunday, November 2, 2008

i never know what to title these.

halloween was awesome :)
i got so much candy. yeah, trick or treating is pretty cool. free candy! :)
i love candy :)

theeeen, yesterday, at 4:30, we had a fast at my friend's church. it was really fun, and actually suprisingly easy, until near the end, it got really hard, and i almost died of hunger. ha. but i left early. so i could go to hairspray!

yay, that was really good. i was going to buy a shirt, but i didn't. but errrrg, the girl next to us, had THE most annyoing laugh ever, and she laughed at parts that nobody else did. they weren't supposed to be funny. but anyways, it was good. now, i'm about to go eat about a million pounds of halloween candy. actually not, but okay. i'm going to have some. and tonight, the amazing race, and desperate housewives are on. yay.

okay, byebye. <3


beverley said...

why does eveyrone watch desperate housewives? GEEZE.

I got lots of candy too! AND I saw hairspray! I bought the sweater :)

HALEEEY. said...

because desperate houswives is good. :)
and i saw the sweater. i am so very jealous.