Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i'm eating a huge chocolate bar from halloween.

okay, so i feel like blogging for a long time, so let's see how long i can make this. :)
i'm eating a big chocolate bar :)
okay, so it's really not that big, but it's pretty big.
yum, king sized :)

anyways, moving alooongg....

today we had rehersal. we finished an hour early, so my friend and i went to the costume room, and tried on costumes. i was wearing the yellow skinnies, but i was too lazy to change out of them. so i went around outside in them for a while :)
i love them, they're too cool. :)

tomorrow we have take your kid to work day. i'm going with my dad. he works with cars. i'm going with him because my friend is too. otherwise, i think i would have gone with my mom, who's a teacher. errr, we have to leave the house at 7:10 to get there on time. i'm going to be so tired. ew.

theeen, we have to be back at school for 3:30, and we have rehersal until 6:00, then the costume parade from 6:00 until 8:00. it's going to be suuuch a looooong day! but i want to see everyone's costumes! :)

mine is suuper bright yellow, the top is like the exact same colour as the bright yellow pants :)
i'm talking to one person on msn. but like 10 minutes ago, i was talking to like 3 or 4.

everyone left me :(

now it's 7:55 :)

i enjoy my phone :)
it's blue. it's so annoying how you can't go on the internet when it's sideways though. :(
so i have to use stupid t9. i don't like t9. i like my keyboard. :)

i'm going to have a shower soon. showers are good. i like to have one every day.

mmm... i'm tiiiired. **sigh**

ehh.... i don't have much else to say nooow.

i guess i'll end this now....


-haaaley ♥


Leah Mell said...

three things:

1. i want my pants back.,
2. dont wear them out, youll get them dirty.
3. no crotch stains please.

HALEEEY. said...

1. yes, i know.
2. i will be washing them.
3. haha okaaay. ;)

beverley said...

1. that was interesting
2. i laughed while reading these comments


I can't WAIT to see costumes too! so exciting!!

HALEEEY. said...

it's leah. don't even ask. i've learned not to. just say haha okay. ;)

erin meagan said...

oh my goodness, i want yellow skinnies, BADLY.

i think i might have a costume..well a base anyways.

wow i'm a loser.

Leah Mell said...

three more things:

2. my mom washed them.
3. i found a crotch stain. and its not mine.